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Gaia Online is an online hangout, incorporating social networking, forums, gaming and a virtual world.
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D a r i n a's Gaia Profile. Amazume Hi Darina, So glad to run into you again today. Love that Iceland has a gay, female premier too.
Details Last login 04/25/2007 Total Posts 29 Posts per Day 0.13 Member Since 09/05/2006 Location Gaia Tools Occupation Gaia Tools' Official Mule. Website
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Annemieke is passionate about Homeopathy , Consciousness , Philosophy , Development, Astrology, Psychology, Socrates, Hahnemann, Jung, Einstein, My parents, my husband
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Kristen is passionate about creativity in all things. spirit in all things. energy in all things. art, music, writing and reading, Reiki and other forms of energy work, cooking
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