Ah, now isnât this just cute! Â The iTurtle seems to trump itâs predecessor the iDog in cuteness, would you agree. Â This is not an MP3 player though, nor is it a docking
External USB laptop speakers are nothing new but a turtle speaker is indeed something out of ordinary. Imagine yourself stopping by one of your friendâs home, placing your laptop
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I'm begining to love every gadget that starts with the letter
Hasbro iTurtle is one of the craziest iPod accessory ever - Remember a few years back this freaky virtual toy pet was introduced? You could make it react to whatever you want.
The iTurtle is activated by touching its head. See also. Aibo; Poo-Chi External links (Japanese) Official iDog Website (English) Official iDog Website (English) iDog demo (English) the iDog
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iTurtle is a $46-ish speaker that dances to the tunes it plays. Developed by Tiger electronics, it has seven multicolor LEDs and works with portable music players (but obviously
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